SEFA was founded by dedicated leaders and rabbis in our community who are committed to solving one of the most challenging issues in our community: The Tuition Crisis!
Today Tuition costs are over $25,000 per child on average, rising at 3% a year. The situation is unsustainable and threatens the future of our community!
Over 50% of our community…
The number of families in need of tuition continues to go up.
We are calling on our entire community to participate in this unified and simple project.
Sign up each member of your household today to pay only $120 a month on your credit card ($120/month, $1,440 a Year per person in your household).
Receive a credit of at least $4,000 per student in your household in grades 1-12.
Participating Schools
(Grades 1-12)
Ahi Ezer Yeshiva
Bet Yaacov Orot Sarah
Keter Torah
Yeshiva of Flatbush
Barkai Yeshiva
Hillel Yeshiva
Magen David Yeshiva
YDE Yeshivat Darche Eres
Bet Yaacov
of the Jersey Shore
Ilan High School
Maor Yeshiva
Yeshivat Lev Torah
Yeshivat Ohel Torah
Yeshivat Shaare Torah
Bnot Shira
Charles Gammal
Steven Ashear
Jeffrey Dayon, ESQ
Steven Fallas
Joe D. Mansour
Alan Maleh
Michael Wahba
Rabbi Shimon Alouf
Rabbi Yehudah Azancot
Rabbi Joseph Beyda
Yeshivah of Flatbush
Rabbi Raymond Beyda
Ahi Ezer Yeshivah
Rabbi Ezra Cohen-Saban
Magen David Yeshiva
Rabbi Shlomo Diamond
Ilan High School
Rabbi Raymond Harary
Yeshiva of Flatbush
Rabbi Saul J. Kassin
Hillel Yeshivah
Rabbi Eli J. Mansour
Magen David Yeshiva
Rabbi David Maslaton
Orot Sarah
Rabbi David Ozeri
Rabbi Albert Setton
Barkai Yeshivah
Rabbi Richard Tobias
Barkai Yeshivah
Rabbi Meyer Yedid
Harry Adjmi
David J. Beyda
Richie Chalme
Gladys Haddad
Abe Hanon
Jerry Harary
Zuke Jaradeh
Michael Jemal
Joe Jerome
Joe I. Mizrachi
Sam Saka
Ralph S. Shamah